Advanced cyber security before you need it

The world we knew no longer exists. And the cyber attacks that once only threatened large corporations are now targeting businesses of all sizes. USX Cyber has prepared for this new reality.

USX Cyber tackles a problem many owners and business leaders face – one that many don’t even know exists. Their team of experts don’t just offer them peace of mind, they provide flexible, advanced cybersecurity.

Before it’s needed.


OddMachine (Production House)
Hac Job (Retouching)
Steve Drifka (CD)
Eric Helms (Copywriter)
Leanna Waldron (Designer)
Denise Kohnke (Strat)
Jessica Wolfe (AM)


Art direction, lead design

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The world we knew no longer exists. And the cyber attacks that once only threatened large corporations are now targeting businesses of all sizes. USX Cyber has prepared for this new reality.

  • USX Cyber was founded in 2021 based on the idea that small and medium businesses deserve and require the same level and sophistication of cyber protection as large enterprises. At USX Cyber, it is our duty to protect small and midsize businesses so they can focus on running their business.

    USX Cyber tackles a problem many owners and business leaders face – one that many don’t even know exists. Our team of experts don’t just offer them peace of mind, we provide flexible, advanced cybersecurity.

    Before it’s needed.

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We created tech-forward and modern branding supported by visual elements and typefaces that reflect security and digital interfaces to give USX Cyber an unmistakable fresh identity in a visually saturated market.


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A number of brand collateral assets were created and put brand colors on full display. Full-bleed color rushes paired with all-black branding give, not just the brand materials, but the staff a modern, cutting-edge look at meetings, on-premise, or at industry trade shows.

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People go to crazy lengths to keep things in their life safe but when it comes to their place of business it can go completely overlooked.


Research showed that a startling number of CEO’s and SMB owners aren’t taking their cyber security seriously. So we honed in on that insight and let it guide the creative execution.

Everyone has heard the term “Sitting Duck”. Well, that’s literally what some of these CEOs are. This simple quip became the driver of the overall campaign. From this, we simply added the line and lead all creative with, “Don’t just be a sitting duck”.


We used a mixture of interesting visuals and quick-hitting stats directed right at CEO’s to really drive home the point that it can happen to anyone, even them.


The creative needed to be true but relatable. We wanted to take scenes out of the possible every-day-journey of an SMB business owner. Waking up, going to work, getting ready to catch a flight, business meetings, etc. To flip it on its head, real duck heads were placed onto the bodies of the CEO’s. Just like in real life, they’re unaware they’re a duck.

Retouching & Production

In order to achieve these looks, we partnered with Hac Job (Print production) and OddMachine (Film/TV/Sound/Post). We collectively were able to create unique assets that we then used throughout the campaign for different types of media placement.

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TV :60

TV production was strategically broken up into two separate shoots. First, live-action was shot at several locations in downtown Chicago with selected talent. Ducks were shot separately on a green screen shortly thereafter. The killers at OddMachine were able to bring it all together finalizing the compilations, scenes, sound, and post-production.

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